Member-only story
Darkness and light
We light the way
When dark, we welcome a candle
Light, darkness cannot handle
Sacrificing itself for light to spread
Making it safe for all to tread
We carry an unlit candle
Marauding like a vandal
Stealing flecks of dust
In the darkness, there’s distrust
With one another, there’s a fight
But there is no other, in light
When will it be lit, and by whom?
Darkness has a friend, it’s gloom
The light of wisdom burns
To powdery ashes, our concerns
While there’s some wax left
In wisdom’s light, we must invest
Time and effort, they dispel
Darkness in which we dwell
The match is waiting to be struck
Through hard work, not luck
When the mind’s aflame with light
In the middle of the dark night
The world is passing through
We see, darkness is working to renew
The world, to be healthy and fit
Everyone’s candle must be lit
Light and wisdom enjoy company
They welcome ours, we are so many