Distance from our thoughts can determine the depth of happiness in the present.

Dr. Niranjan Seshadri
5 min readMar 31, 2019

Thoughts are the building blocks of the inner world we relate to as the mind. They are in everyone’s daily experience, and cannot be stopped or easily controlled. Since thoughts are vehicles carrying information about meaningful moments of our life, we cannot do without them. There are times when we would like to do away with them especially when they persist in creating a rough mental environment. The relationship we have with our thoughts is an essential determining factor of our day to day happiness.

There is a diverse variety of thoughts that we encounter daily, and we cannot predict in what sequence they may arise. The contents of our thoughts serve many purposes such as sources of entertainment to ward off boredom or a distraction from the present when it seems unpleasant. Thoughts are a vital aspect of all our achievements, or they may contain information that may benefit us and help us realize our goals. Thoughts can also indirectly help us in our inner growth when we know how to utilize their presence and maintain a right relationship with them.

When streams of thoughts are particularly dense and packed with various types of information, they may be compared to heavy clouds. Just as a cloudy sky can completely shroud the sun, thoughts can cloud our clarity of perception…



Dr. Niranjan Seshadri

Physician I Author I Transformational Philosophy - Awareness and its power to transform. www.intoawareness.org. Learn more- amazon.com/author/seshadri