Member-only story
We can do without
Envisioned as a source of cohesion
Information, it sows divisions
We use what we know, to parry
The unknown, which makes us wary
The mind we have inherited
Has gems, if it can be ferreted
From under a mountain of information
Relevant to our time and generation
Information changes like the seasons
Each passing day it strengthens or weakens
There’s always something new to learn
As the wick of time continues to burn
So much information, it can hurt
Keeping the mind on high alert
Making us forget a laid back stance
That carries the power to enhance
Life, we don’t need to lean on hope
When we slide off the information slope
Before it turns difficult and steep
Becoming highly personal, it makes us weep
Information, we can do without most
It may after all be an empty boast
Time slips away in that quest
We lose every chance to join the best