What lies beyond the mind?

Understanding our subjective being

Dr. Niranjan Seshadri


Photo by Siyan Ren on Unsplash

The mind is the gatekeeper to the inner subjective world. This inner subjective realm has three layers. If we take a cross-section of our inner being, the most superficial is the transactional arm of the mind, through which we interact with the world. Here, through our awareness, we engage with the contents of the mind, and we forget that we are separate from the mind. The next layer, which lies deeper is the observational aspect of our being. Here, our awareness is distinct and separate from the mind. It is like sitting in an observation post, from where we perceive the mind without interacting with its contents. The deepest layer is that of pure awareness, which is an ego-free state where the distinction between the deeper subjective self and the transactional mind disappears. There is only one without a subject-object differentiation.

The mind is the gatekeeper to the inner subjective world.

Transacting with thoughts and experiences is the default experience for most of us. Like countries that are trading partners with one another importing and exporting goods and services, we trade our thoughts, ideas, and experiences with others. Yes and no are two words that are involved with every view, opinion, and experience. Through these two words, yes and…



Dr. Niranjan Seshadri

Physician I Author I Transformational Philosophy - Awareness and its power to transform. www.intoawareness.org. Learn more- amazon.com/author/seshadri