Member-only story
Winners and losers
The game of life
There are no winners
Losers or sinners
Our deeds are openly seen
We can’t hide behind a screen
In the museum of the past
Our lives are rehashed
Those who care to look
It is like reading a book
Not just about ourselves
But of humanity itself
Everything is a projection
Within, is ripe for reflection
Fundamentally, we’re similar
Under skins of varying color
The mind has a dominant role
Operating a hidden console
Pushing many buttons
Thoughts, by the dozens
Swarm the only private space
So tempting, we chase
The mind, it sets up a game
Winners or losers, it will proclaim
Polarizing our interior
Erecting a formidable barrier
Insurmountable to some
To the mind, they succumb
To avoid feeling defeated
They may turn, conceited